
無敵士®美國無敵士®生態環保滅蟲蚤水劑 | 2L(桶裝) x 2件: 送 淨噴壺 – 優惠期有限,送完即止 DUSTMITEX® SOL Eco-friendly Pest Control | 2L – Twin-Set: FREE Spray Bottle

Original price was: $760.00.Current price is: $580.00.

DUSTMITEX® SOL Eco-friendly Pest Control | 2L – Twin-Set: FREE Spray Bottle





l   對人畜無害。無殘留致癌毒素

l   即使孕婦、小孩、寵物在家,也可施噴

l   無須外出迴避

l   無須清洗或抺去

l   開水後可直接施噴於任何地方,包括木材傢俬、衣物、床舖、被褥、廚房罅隙等



l   能消滅木蝨/床蚤/吸血臭蟲、塵蟎跳蚤、蟑螂、白蟻、衣魚、卜泥/書蝨/牆蝨/嚙蟲、粉蟎、禽蟎、螞蟻、姬薪蟲、蛀木蟲/粉蠹蟲、穀牛、蜱蟲等各種害蟲

l   有效傳播至同類,一舉殲滅

l   有助改善因塵蟎等過敏原所引致的呼吸道問題及哮喘等



l   礦物質成份,能在大自然中分解

l   不影響地球生態

l   不導致蟲蚤抗藥性

l   無色無味

l   無化學溶劑







除可消滅木蝨/床蚤/吸血臭蟲、塵蟎、跳蚤、蟑螂、白蟻外,也可對付其他一般害蟲,例如書蟲/衣魚、書蝨/卜泥蜘蛛、牛蜱… (各種昆蟲死亡時間不一)


















影片時間 :

01:16   開水方法
05:34   睡床寢具
12:31   木櫃
16:46   衣物
18:44   書櫃
20:41   雜物
24:08   辨別正






l   利用礦物「硼酸鹽」干擾蟲蚤的新陳代謝

l   蟲蚤在接觸美國無敵士®後,逐漸死亡

l   當同類取食其屍體,會起相同效應,在環保狀況下漸進地瓦解蟲害


水劑使用面積指引 (適用於東南亞區地理氣候)


使用面積 (視乎雜物多寡調整)









l   由於蟲蚤會四處走動繁衍,噴灑全屋才能達至最佳效果

l   可均勻施噴於床上用品、家俱、窗簾、地毯、衣物、寵物床墊及廚房角落與縫隙等

l   該產品乾透後會呈微小白點結晶體,深色衣物和傢俱應施噴於內層




l   每月施噴一次,能有效防禦蟲蚤

l   如已發現蟲蚤,建議首二星期每周施噴二次,其後每周一次,至少持續一個月以上,作為基本程序

l   凡使用過化學殺蟲劑的地方,建議每三天一次,連續六次或以上

l   以上是達到最佳效果的使用建議,用戶可按個別情況衡量使用


l   劑施噴於地面,必須待乾透後才可行走,以免滑倒

l   該產品乾透前帶黏性,乾透後則能發揮最佳效用。施噴面自然風乾效果佳,必要時可開啟抽濕機或風扇來加速乾透,特別是在潮濕天氣

l   該產品雖然無毒性,但仍應避免直接施噴於食物,人體或動物上

l   避免兒童接觸,小心存放。

l   如不慎吸食者,為慎重起見,應即時往醫院診治及必需攜同包裝或葯劑標誌內容

l   宜帶上口罩施噴

l   完成後用清水沖洗噴霧瓶咀(避免噴霧瓶堵塞)

l   【處理牆壁/天花板】    一般建議只噴於地腳線。如需要直接噴在牆壁或天花板,請注意:

1. 須視乎油漆或牆紙的質量,噴灑前請先評估牆身有否起泡或剝落的風險。如有需要可先在不顯眼的角落試噴。

2. 噴的時候無須噴得很濕,只須薄薄一層。如噴得太濕,或距離目標太近,無敵士®乾後可能殘留透明/白色的水痕或凝結成微小的晶體。如有需要,可以暖水輕輕抹去。(抹走後要再噴才有效)







美國無敵士® 生態環保滅蟲滅蚤劑












美國IBT 實驗室

美國歌倫比亞大學ABC 實驗室





Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate 

Na2B8O13 4H2O 10% w/v

香港除害劑註冊編號 1P205(AL)



Founder:Mr Waily Tang

01:16  Mixing with water

05:34  Bedding

12:31  Wood furniture

16:46  Clothes

18:44  Book shelf

20:41  Sundries

24:08  Identify the registered trademark

無敵士®美國無敵士®生態環保滅蟲蚤水劑 | 2L(桶裝) x 2件: 送 淨噴壺

DUSTMITEX® SOL Eco-friendly Pest Control | 2L – Twin-Set: FREE Spray Bottle

Product of USA

Please identify registered trademark DUSTMITEX® on authorized South East Asian special edition.

Safety and efficacy attested by:

Oakland University
IBT Reference Laboratory
Columbia University ABC Laboratory
University of California Riverside
Ohio State University
Florida State University


  • No harm to humans and pets, safe to pregnant women and children
  • Noneed to vacate the treated area after applying
  • No rinse required
  • No Carcinogenic toxins
  • Can be applied anywhere like clothing, bedding, mattress and furniture, etc.
  • Suitable for kitchens, food workshops, elderly centers, schools, kindergartens, hotels and guesthouses, etc.



  • Effectively eliminate dust mites, bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, etc.
  • Pests spread the borate mixture and die eventually with the whole insect population.
  • Stop eggs hatch into larvae. Interrupt pests life cycle.
  • Reduce the occurrence of allergies, asthma and respiratory diseases caused by dust mite allergens


  • Natural mineral based ingredients
  • Biodegradable and decompose naturally
  • No adverse ecological effect
  • No damage to the ozone layer
  • No Carcinogenic toxins
  • Do not cause pesticide resistance
  • Clear and odorless

How Dustmitex® works:
By coming into contact or ingesting Dustmitex®, pests will die or degrade in a natural manner. By feeding on the dead body fluids, pests spread the borate mixture and die eventually as well as the whole insect population.


Why Dustmitex® works:

Dustmitex®contains a specially formulated borate compound which causes desiccation. By coming into contact or ingesting Dustmitex®, pests will dry out and die naturally. Boron is a natural element that is essential for healthy plant growth and aids in the assimilation of calcium in the human body. Borates have a long history of use in insect control, and are also effective against fleas, bed bugs, termites and cockroaches.

Where to use:
Mattress, bedding, clothing, furniture, pet’s bedding, hotels, restaurants, food shops, kitchens, schools, kindergartens, homes, shops, building sites and workshops,etc.

Directions for use:  (for South-East Asian regions)

2000ml can treat about 300 sq. ft. areas.

1000ml can treat about 150 sq. ft. areas.

650ml can treat about 100 sq. ft. areas.

(depending on stuff quantity)

As pests move around, it is recommended to spray the whole area when applying Dustmitex®.

For kitchens, food workshops, bedding and furniture, spray solution over the gaps and corner areas.

Applications may leave very fine white crystals behind. Best to spray the interior of draperies and furniture.

Use warm water to clean the nozzle of the sprayer after spraying to ensure no wet powder residues that may clot the dispenser.

Frequency of Use:

Apply once a month for preventative treatment.

For treatment of infestation, it is suggested to spray twice a week for the first two weeks and then once weekly for at least the following two weeks to complete the basic process. Afterwards spray once a month for prevention.

For those previously treated with chemical pesticides, better apply Dustmitex®every three days for at least six times continuously.


Wet and slippery after spraying. Please allow the applied areas to dry thoroughly before stepping and moving on it to avoid accidents.

Spray in the morning to allow enough time for Dustmitex® to dry thoroughly for optimal result. Or speed up the drying process using dehumidifier, mechanic fan or air-conditioner.

Dustmitex® powder has lower toxicity than table salt, however, it is not advised to spray directly onto human body and animals.

Do not spray directly on plants or soil. Spray the outside and bottom of the plants pots.

Store carefully and keep out of reach of children.

If inhaled or swallowed, seek medical treatment immediately and bring along the product wrapper.

Wear a face mask while spraying.

Dust Mites

Clinically it is believed that over 80% of allergies of respiratory tract and allergenic asthma diseases are related to dust mites.

They are found virtually in all homes, carpets, furniture, draperies, blankets, bed sheets and curtains, etc.

Dustmitex® contains a specially formulated borate compound which interrupts the process of hydration by absorbing moisture into the body, causing the mites to dry out and die.

Spray once a month. For optimal results, apply once or twice weekly.

Dust Mite Hiding Spots –  Dust mites survive by eating dead skin cells. They also live off water vapor, which we provide for them through perspiring and breathing. Dust mites are found in mattress, pillows, blankets, carpets, soft toys, upholstered furniture, fabrics and curtains. A primary location of dust mite exposure in a home is in the bedroom which provides the best conditions of warmth, humidity and food for their growth.

Breeding of Dust Mites –  Dust mites breed very fast. Vacuuming and dusting the house is not enough to clear away dust mites.10% of the weight of a two-year old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings.

Dust Mites fecal droppings–  A gram of house dust contains as many as 1,000 dust mites. The same gram of dust can hold up to 200,000 of their fecal pellets. With millions of dust mites living in one bed this means there are vast amounts of droppings there. When the dust mite droppings are expelled into the air from bedding, they can easily be inhaled into our airways thus causing allergic reactions for sensitive individuals. Research shows that over 80% of coughs,respiratory tract problems, and asthma are related to dust mites.

How to control dust mites – 

Keep humidity in your home at less than 50%.

Apply a boron based, ecologically clean product – Dust mites and Flea Control which does not harm human’s health.

Use sleeping products treated with anti-dust mite treatment. Materials are comfort, ventilated and effectively restrained from mites and mites allergen.

Frequently wash bed sheets, blankets, duvet covers, curtains and upholstered furniture, etc.

Vacuum carpets every week and change vacuum cleaner bags frequently.


Bed-bugs & fleas

When contact with Dustmitex®, they start to dehydrate and die within a few days.

For treatment of infestation, it is suggested to spray twice a week for the first two weeks and then once weekly for at least the following two weeks to complete the basic process.

Fleas are bedbugs, also referred as blood bugs. The male adult fleas are darker whereas the females are lighter and can lay hundreds of eggs. Their life cycle is about half to one year. They are attracted to body heat, movements and exhaled carbon dioxide. They are often found in bed frames, bedding, clothing and furniture at homes.

Fleas use their sharp mouth part to pierce through the skin and draw out blood with their tubular mouth. Adult fleas feed on more blood and spread diseases. A skin reaction to flea bites may appear as rashes and allergy. Scratching the itchy skin may also cause bacterial infection.

In recent years, fleas are found in Europe, USA and Asia regions due to the increasing volume of traffic and logistics. Fleas breed very fast. They spread by depositing eggs in clothing, baggage, furniture and any personal items. For decades, the use of pesticides with hazardous chemicals made these bugs become more pesticide resistant and more difficult to eradicate.

They appear anywhere at home, in bedding, mattress, draperies, furniture and all sorts of household items.



Destroy timber, buildings, draperies and wooden furniture.

Appearin wooden furniture, buildings and books, etc.

They are killed upon ingestion of the borate compound. By treating affected timber with Dustmitex® will eradicate termite infestations.

Do normal daily cleaning. Apply Dustmitex® before or during renovation.



Spread diseases, destroy food, clothes and furniture.

Found anywhere including home, kitchen, office and all kinds of transportation.

After coming into contact with borate, cockroaches clean it off by licking themselves and ingest Dustmitex®. They gradually die within 7-10 days.

For optimal results, apply once or twice weekly.


Ants & other pests

They bite human and animals and cause skin inflammation, spread diseases, pollute and destroy buildings and furniture.

Found anywhere at home including kitchen, living room and areas with pets.

Uses mall amount of Dustmitex® with bait. Ants will bring Dustmitex® back to the nest. The queen and ants feed on the mixture and thus eliminating the entire colony.

For optimal results, apply once or twice weekly.

Professional Quality

HK Pesticides Registration No. 1P205(AL)


Disodium OctaborateTetrahydrate

Na2B8O13• 4H2O 10% w/v



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